Saw Palmetto: Man's Best Friend

Prostate health is a major concern for men.  For a second, let's forget about Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), aka enlarged prostate; prostate cancer and Prostatitis, aka inflammation of the prostate that are serious health concerns.  Let's get right to the heart of the matter most men face when having problems with their prostate, that usually flags a prostate problem.  That would be painful ejaculation, impotenence and other sexual problems.  This, in and of itself, is enough to make men cringe at the thought of anything causing problems in that area, which is why I wanted to address it as part of my information about prostate health.

There are several things men can do to reduce their risk of having prostate problems:
  • A diet low in saturated fat and high in fruits and vegetables may lower your risk of developing BPH. Research is ongoing to identify who might benefit from early
  • According to the American Cancer Society, most cases of prostate cancer can't be prevented. This is because prostate cancer's causes are still unknown. As with BPH, however, experts recommend eating a healthy diet with lots of fruits and vegetables.
  • No herbal supplements have been proven to prevent prostate cancer. Studies of selenium, a mineral that has shown some promise, are underway.
  • No activity or drug is known to prevent prostatitis. Experts recommend good hygiene, including keeping the penis clean. Most men will never develop prostatitis.
  • And last, but not least, is Saw Palmetto.  A natural supplement that has been proven to improve prostate health and reduce risks of infections in the prostate.
Saw palmetto extract is an extract of the fruit of Serenoa repens. It is rich in fatty acids and phytosterols. It has been used in traditional, eclectic, and alternative medicine for a variety of indications, most notably benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate).

As with all functions and illnesses of the body, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  Eating properly and taking Saw Palmetto will greatly reduce your risk of prostate infections.
