Sexual Health: A Joint Venture

We all know that men have tons of testosterone and usually flaunt that every chance they get.  Women, with higher estrogen, aren't usually nearly as sexual.  But the sexual experience between commited partners is one of life's purest joys.  So what to do when the kids, career, errands, housework...etc leave you feeling less than frisky?

No hormones is not the answer here.  It's about mental and physical stimulation so let's start, as usual, with a multivitamin.  This should lead to the discovery of whether fatigue is an issue or other vitamin deficiencies.  But let's take it one step further...add motivation and passion to your love life naturally.

First, let's talk mental attentiveness.  This comes down to mental acuity.  My recommendation (and personal preference) is Neuro PS.  It add zest to the mind and imagination in several areas of life: work, kids, and sexual exploration. 

Second, anytime fatigue plays a role in our day to day, Vitamin B Complex is a great way to fight that feeling of giving up and laying down until Spring. 

Third, supplements like Ginseng (known to be an aprodisiac) or foods like oysters and dark chocolate can help get the motor going.  But don't forget that the wrong daily diet can lend itself as the cause of fatigue, low sex drive, moodiness and depression.  None of which are conducive to a happy sex life.  Lay off too much alcohol, eat foods high in fiber, drink lots of water and exercise (even if it's only 15 minutes of stretching, walking or, my favorite, dancing).

Finally, setting the mood is overlooked much of the time.  Guys especially need to keep in mind that women are more responsive to sight, touch, sound and smell when it comes to eroticism so turn that music on; touch and hold her (oil massages are a definite turn on here); and use aromatherapy in oils, candles, room fragrance and/or bubble baths. 

Coleus- Coleus helps in the relaxation of smooth muscles and increases blood flow, both important actions in a healthy sexual response.

Comfrey- Comfrey has been shown to affect the sex hormones which stimulate the ovaries and testes. Such a hormonal effect is also indicated by traditional belief.

Dong Quai-Dong quai's ability to optimize female hormones sets the stage for responsiveness to sexual desire. Sexual pleasure, particularly orgasmic intensity, may be enhanced with the use of dong quai.

Aromatic Oils like Rose, Jasmine, Sandalwood and Neroli are natural aphrodisiacs.  Other scents that increase sexuality and reduce premature ejaculation are Lavender, Cinnamon, Cherry and Sage.

Remember: A healthy, happy sex life starts in the brain and works its way down.  So don't be in a rush to get the quick the work and the ultimate sexual connection will be made.
